Peruvian cuisine is considered one of the most diverse in the world. In January,2004, The Economist said that “Peru can lay claim to one of the world’s dozen or so great cuisines” , while at the Fourth International Summit of Gastronomy Madrid Fusión 2006, regarded as the world’s most important gastronomic forum, held in Spain between January 17 and 19, Lima was declared the “Gastronomic Capital of the Americas”.

Thanks to its pre-Incas and Inca heritage and to Spanish, Basque, African, Sino-Cantonese, Japanese and finally Italian, French and Britishimmigration (mainly throughout the 19th century), Peruvian cuisine combines the flavors of four continents. With the eclectic variety of traditional dishes, the Peruvian culinary arts are in constant evolution, and impossible to list in their entirety. Suffice it to mention that along the Peruvian coast alone there are more than two thousand different types of soups, and that there are more than 250 traditional desserts.
Culinary food in Peru
Culinary food in Peru

Experience the Taste of Peru!

Our tour mixes a taste of native, “criolla” and traditional food with the trendy fusion food through demonstrations, cooking classes and tasting menus.  All of this is wrapped up within a framework of history and culture that explains every part of the tour and will helps you to understand the origin of all these great tastes directly from the chefs that make it all happen. We work with all the best Chefs in Peru, such as Gaston Acurio, Rafael Osterling, Pedro Miguel Schiaffino, Virgilio Martinez and more importantly our experience managing this tour allows us to provide the best service either for large or small groups. Contact us!