About The Amazon River in Peru 

The Amazon River is in South America and originates in streams that run through the Andes Mountains then flows mightily across South America through Peru, Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Guyana, Suriname and French Guayana. Considered the longest river on earth, the Amazon runs at least 6,400 kilometers (4,000 miles), carrying with it more water than any other river in the world. It is responsible for about one-fifth of all fresh water that flows into the world’s oceans.

How did the Amazon River get it’s name?

The Spanish soldier Francisco de Orellana in 1541 gave the river its name after battling tribes of female warriors who he likened to the Amazons of Greek Mythology. He was one of the first Europeans to explore the Amazon.

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What is special about the Amazon River?

The Amazon River is famous for having the largest area of land that flows into the river and more tributaries than any other river in the world, more than 1,100 of which seventeen measure over 1,500-kilometers long. It also has the largest drainage area of any river system.

The rain forest land around the Amazon and these tributaries become flooded every wet season, between December and May, when the river rises more than 9 meters (30 feet). Over 3,000 known species of fish swim in the Amazon River and more are constantly discovered.

No bridges cross the Amazon River, because the Amazon River mostly runs through uninhabited rain forests rather than near roads and cities. Instead, the Amazon River itself is the principle transport route for indigenous people by handcrafted balsa rafts and dugout canoes. Larger riverboats and modern steel hulled ships also carry people and goods along the Amazon. Guests aboard the Aria Amazon join a long tradition of foreigners exploring this great river since Spaniard Vicente Yanez Pinzon became the first European to sail into the Amazon in 1500 and Francisco de Orellana traveled its length in 1542.

On naturalist guided jungle treks and excursions by tender, Peru Traces Travel guests venture deep into the Amazon rainforest among its extraordinary array of mammals and birds. Our Amazon adventures explore within the five million pristine acres of Pacaya Samiria Reserve, a protected wildlife area teeming with lifelong mating pairs of blue-and-yellow macaw, flocks of snowy egrets, laughing falcons and Amazon kingfishers in the air, squirrel monkeys frolicking in the trees and pink dolphins poking their dorsal fins above the river water while colossal Victoria Regia water lilies float along the surface.


Cruise on the Peruvian Amazon River
Cruise on the Peruvian Amazon River
Amidst this natural paradise, only around 30,000 people live along the Amazon River in Pacaya Samiria Reserve. Peru Traces Travel & Tours creates meaningful opportunities for our guests to interact with local people in their villages, living largely as they have for centuries. The benefits and memories of these interactions resonate for all. When each day’s adventure comes to an end, the comforts of Peru Traces Travel & Tours floating five star and four hotel await.

Popular Amazon Cruises
Peru Traces Travel & Tours has a small range of itineraries aboard vessels that we categorize as Popular Amazon Cruises. Budget in no way means uncomfortable or insecure! The Amazon cruise boats in this category have been selected almost entirely on the basis of price; and yet they boast some of the most interesting itineraries in the Amazon basins of Peru.

Luxury Amazon Cruises

Luxury Amazon River cruises really do exist in the remotest corners of the rainforest. Peru Traces Travel & Tours have searched the length of the Amazon River to find those cruises that we truly consider luxurious. We not only provide expert advice on which vessel to choose for your tour, but guarantee to offer the best rate!